Best Physical Therapist in New York City
Physiotherapy is the most natural and effective approach for a pain free healthy life. Its is that field of science that doesn’t support surgical cuts or medications for complete eradication of pain. With the aid of modern equipment, the physiotherapist can uncover the exact cause of pain. Once, the root cause is detected, the desired procedure is followed. Physiotherapy believes in the self healing quality of the human body. It empowers an individual to live a pain free and healthy life. Below mentioned are the major causes of pain and the action required in the present scenario:- 1: Ignorance : This is the most crucial factor that needs immediate attention. A generation that suffers a lot is the most ignorant. Ignoring any pain that lasts more than 15 days makes the problem more severe. Pain is nothing but a signal given by the nervous system to highlight the area of concern and a call for immediate action to be taken. Action required – Consult a physiotherapist or phy...